Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC
Letting Go of the Dishonest Lifestyle Workshop

A Workshop for men

Letting Go of the Dishonest Lifestyle

This is a workshop for men who wish to stop engaging in the Down Low and dishonest lifestyle.

You should attend this workshop if

You are a man engaging in the DL lifestyle and you want to stop
You are a man who has considered engaging in the DL lifestyle
You struggle to come to terms with your sexuality
You are an openly homosexual man who has had relationships with men who are on the downlow.
You have fears about living in your truth and your authenticity.
Your Host

Meet Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC®

Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LpCC® is a licensed psychotherapist in California, the owner of Lifetime Counseling and Consulting® and the creator of A date with Darkness podcast.

Dr. Jones is specifically known for helping professional people of color heal from narcissistic abuse. As an African-American therapist herself, she acknowledges the challenges African-American women face in the society and health system, speaks up on racism, pivots the needs of the vulnerable and marginalized, and treats all people with dignity and respect. As a result, she created Lifetime Counseling and Consulting® to be a safe space that will allow all people regardless of race, ethnicity or gender to find mental health support they deserve.
If you are a man who is struggling with dishonest lifestyle or you are a man who has been in a relationship with a man who has a dishonest lifestyle; then join this workshop to learn how to stop being emotionally abusive
Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC

The workshop will offer

A thorough explanation of what the Down-Low lifestyle is and why men do it
Support from other men who have lived this lifestyle
A breakout session discussing the challenges with living your truth
Tips and suggestions on how to be more authentic.

This workshop is intended to be a safe space and will be held via zoom. Signing an NDA will be required before being admitted to the workshop.

Book your seat now