Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC
Recovering from Men on the Down-Low Workshop

A Workshop for Women

Recovering from Men on the Down-Low

This workshop is designed for women who have had been involved in abusive marriages or relationships with a partner who has lived a secretly gay lifestyle.

This workshop is for you if

You have been or are in a relationship with a partner who is secretly gay and refuses to disclose to you
You suspect your partner may be dishonest about their sexuality, but you are unsure
You have experienced your partner’s anger or rage towards you
You are recovering from the emotional damage of being lied to or treated poorly
You are looking for support from other women with a similar experience
You are in a relationship with a partner who has a secret lifestyle, but you are unsure of what to do or what your options are
You have contracted an STD from your dishonest partner
Your Host

Meet Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC®

Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC® is a licensed psychotherapist in California, the owner of Lifetime Counseling and Consulting® and the creator of A date with Darkness podcast.

Dr. Jones is specifically known for helping professional people of color heal from narcissistic abuse. As an African American therapist herself, she acknowledges the challenges African American women face in the society and health system, speaks up on racism, pivots the needs of the vulnerable and marginalized, and treats all people with dignity and respect. As a result, she created Lifetime Counseling and Consulting® to be a safe space that will allow all people regardless of race, ethnicity or gender to find mental health support they deserve.
I invite you to this workshop to learn more about how to emotionally cope with the dishonesty of your partner, and how to avoid emotionally abusive relationships in the future.
Dr. Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC

This workshop will include

A thorough explanation of down-low culture
Support from other women
Tips on how to leave a down-relationship safely
Explanation of the psychological affects of being with a man who is on the down low
A breakout discussion of other women’s experiences of down-low relationships and tips on healing.

This workshop will be recorded and held via Zoom. This workshop is intended to be a safe space. Signing an NDA will be required before being admitted to the workshop.

Book your seat now